Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mexico Country in North America

Mexico is a country between the U.S. and Central America beaches on its Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coastlines and a diverse landscape of mountains, deserts and jungles. Archaic ruins such as Teotihuacan (Aztec) and Chichen Itza (Mayan) are scattered throughout the country, as are Spanish colonial-era towns. In capital Mexico City, upscale shops, renowned museums and gourmet restaurants cater to modern life.
Mexico officially the Coalesced Mexican States (Spanish: About this sound Estados Unidos Mexicanos (help·info)), is a federal republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the Cumulated States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Covering virtually two million square kilometres (over 760,000 sq mi), Mexico is the fifth most astronomically immense country in the Americas by total area and the 13th most immensely colossal independent nation in the world. With an estimated population of over 113 million, it is the eleventh most populous and the most populous Spanish-verbalizing country in the world and the second most populous country in Latin America. Mexico is a federation comprising thirty-one states and a Federal District, its capital and most astronomically immense city.

In pre-Columbian Mexico many cultures matured into advanced civilizations such as the Olmec, the Toltec, the Teotihuacan, the Zapotec, the Maya and the Aztec afore first contact with Europeans. In 1521, the Spanish Imperium surmounted and colonized the territory from its base in Mexico-Tenochtitlan, which was administered as the Viceroyalty of Incipient Spain. This territory would eventually become Mexico following apperception of the colony's independence in 1821. The post-independence period was characterized by economic instability, the Mexican-American War that led to the territorial cession to the Cumulated States, the Pastry War, the Franco-Mexican War, a civil war, two imperia and a domestic dictatorship. The latter led to the Mexican Revolution in 1910, which culminated with the promulgation of the 1917 Constitution and the emergence of the country's current political system. In March 1938, through the Mexican oil expropriation private U.S. and Anglo-Dutch oil companies were nationalized to engender the state-owned Pemex oil company.
Mexico has one of the world's most sizably voluminous economies, it is the tenth most immensely colossal oil engenderer in the world, the most immensely colossal silver engenderer in the world and is considered both a regional power and middle potency. In integration, Mexico was the first Latin American member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD (since 1994), and considered an upper-middle income country by the World Bank. Mexico is considered an incipiently industrialized country and an emerging puissance. It has the fifteenth most astronomically immense nominal GDP and the tenth most sizably voluminous GDP by purchasing power parity. The economy is vigorously linked to those of its North American Free Trade Acquiescent (NAFTA) partners, especially the Coalesced States. Mexico ranks sixth in the world and first in the Americas by number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites with 32, and in 2010 was the tenth most visited country in the world with 22.5 million international advents per year. According to Goldman Sachs, by 2050 Mexico is expected to become the world's fifth most sizably voluminous economy. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) estimated in January 2013 that by 2050 Mexico could be the world's seventh most immensely colossal economy. Mexico has membership in prominent institutions such as the UN, the WTO, the G20 and the Cumulating for Consensus.

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